Netlist Website Options and Pricing

Web Site Options and Pricing

Netlist provide the following Web Site Options and Pricing.

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or by phone
0-9-837 4615

Single Home Page

This displays as a single screen selected from a standard format and can include:
  • Photo and logo
  • Coloured or textured background
  • Description of services
  • Contact details
  • Live email button if required
  • Example
  • Initial
    Monthly Web
    Hosting Fee
    OR an Annual Hosting Fee
    $100 $10 $100

    Custom Web Site

    This is a 2 or 3 page web site that is designed to your requirements and can include:
  • Logo and multiple photos
  • Coloured or textured background
  • Extensive text
  • Up to 2 extra detail pages
  • Live email contact if required
  • A visitor counter
  • Example
  • $400 $12 $120
    Set up the site to be directly updateable from the owner's web browser. $100 $5 $50
    Domain name hosting eg: $160 $10 $100
    Listing your web site with 10 major search engines with monthly checkups $150 $5 $50

    Other Options

    There are many other options for enhancing the effectiveness of your web site. Special effect graphics, animations, sound and even movie clips are possible. Interactive forums, data entry forms, secure transactions and full business database applications. Which, if any, of these you take advantage of depends on your business needs and purpose of your web site.

    Examples of these options are found in the list of websites we have developed under Major sites, Extended Websites and Online Shopping eg: on the Kerikeri site all the pictures are being loaded by a local person.

    We can help you design a web site that is focussed on achieving your business objectives.

    All prices are GST exclusive
    All Web Hosting Fees paid in advance

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