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With all the hype surrounding the Internet, our Netlist Website Design Philosophy is driven by 3 important principles:

Quality Content is the most important requirement for any web page.
Pretty graphics, clever animations, java applets etc are not going to bring viewers back. Viewers will only come back if the site is useful.

Special effects can have a very important place in a web site, but only when they add value to the content.

A web site must be affordable to create and keep up to date. We believe that, where-ever possible, the best person to keep a web site up-to-date is the owner of the site.

In working to achieve these objectives with our clients Netlist has developed database driven web sites that make it possible for businesses such as Mail Order Nurseries or Bookstores to leverage the value of their existing databases by publishing directly to the Web. Using the same technology, other clients may have a home page or web site for their business which can easily be updated from a web browser.

We have also made use of a number of leading edge applications in order to create special effects that really work for our clients. Video clips of horses demonstrating their motion, streaming audio of job applicants being interviewed, vector graphic maps that contain heaps of detail, can be viewed full screen, can be zoomed in for more detail, and yet still download quickly.

You can see all of this in action on the web sites listed on our home page. View web site examples and feel free to contact any member of the Netlist Team if you would like to know more.


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