Regular Community Events and Meetings



Fire and Emegency New Zealand

Training night at the Kaikohe Fire Station. 7pm start.




Wriggle and Rhyme
Kaikohe Library at 10am. For ages 6 months to 5 years.


Yoga Kaikohe

Senior Citizens Hall. 5.45pm to 7pm. Contact Mike - 09 4057892



KBC Parent and Toddlers  Group

During school term from 10am until 11am at the Kaikohe Baptist Church. Contact Bev - 09 4012102


Kaikohe Rotary Dinner Meeting

5.45pm at the Kaikohe RSA. Contact Noel - 09 4011700



Kaikohe Knitting Group

Kaikohe library, 11am start. First Thursday of every month. Help knit soft toys for St John.


Kaikohe Sewing and Craft Club

Pioneer Village at 6pm. 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month. Contact Vanessa - 020 424 2421


Kaikohe Night Market

Broadway Kaikohe. 4pm - 6.30pm. Stalls, food, produce, plants. Contact Mike - 021 842 302







Radio Controlled Model Aircraft Meet
Kaikohe Airport from 9.30am. Fixed wing, helicopters and gliders. Contact Graham - 09 4017993 or 027 4955852.


Kaikohe Gliding Club

Fly Thursday and Sunday at 11am. Phone David - 09 4011157 or Peter 09 4078454.





Monthly Meetings


Kaikohe Business Association Meetings

First Monday of every month. 5.40pm at the Kaikohe Business Hub. Contact Mark - 


Kaikohe Ohaeawai Lodge #101 of Freemasons

Meets 4th Wednesday of the month at the Masonic Hall, Clifford Street, Kaikohe. Contact Robert - 021 125 2754.