Mangawhais Original Community Website since 1997

Basic Listings
Free to all Local Businesses! 

Basic listing includes, your business name & address,  your phone numbers, email address & a link to your website.

DIY............Register and list your business or organisation at the side bar...FREE!

Need Help?... We can do it for you then you will have access to update....$20.00-GSTincl.


Highlight your business

To promote your business or organisation with a paid banner advert,  please scroll down for more information.


Website Advertising Rates
(GST Included)


Extras to add;


Business Description (up to 4 lines of text Approx 50 words)
$10.00 Per annum.

Add your Logo

For one off payment of $30.00


Banner advertising on a page relevant to your business

Banner advert
$150 Per annum
Includes your basic listing details, email link, website link, with click link on advertisement to website

Size and specifications 650 wide x 220 high
(other sizes are available, please call to discuss)
You supply your own JPEG or PDF (web optimised up to 100kb)

Home page advertising

All 'Home Page' adverts are limited availability and on a first-in basis.
Small Advert 160 x 100 - $20.00 per month,  with two free months for each 12 month term completed.

Medium Advert 300 x 100 - $35.00 per month with two free months for each 12 month term completed.

Large Advert 600 x 100 - $60.00 per month with two free months for each 12 month term completed.


Changes to your ad are free for the first 5 changes, then $20.00 per hour, thereafter.


This website has been developed to provide basic listings for free to Businesses and Community Groups servicing the wider Mangawhai area, encompassing roughly, from the top of the Dome, to the Brynderwyns and Coast to Coast, including on the East Coast up to Marsden Cove in the North and Pakiri  in the South and on the West Coast, from Tauhoa in the South, to Paparoa in the North.

See the links at the bottom of the page, for other community websites. 'We cover the North'

All revenue obtained from advertising is used to cover the costs of hosting and keeping the website up-to-date and to promote the website, while promoting your community affordably.


Click here to contact Stef Railey the Magical Mangawhai  website administrator if you have any questions and to inquire about making your business stand out from the crowd.